Things to Think About When Buying Art
There isn’t always a ‘reason’ you love an artwork. Sometimes it is hard to define. Most of the time, you are just drawn to something – it might be colour, subject matter or medium that attracts you.
Asking yourself a few questions, or noticing patterns in what you like, can help you when it comes to buying artwork that you will be happy with for years to come.
What kind of subject matter do I like looking at? Landscapes, faces, abstract, aerials?
What colours do I like looking at - bright colours or subdued/calming colours?
Do I like artworks which are realistic, of landscapes or people?
Do like artworks which are abstract works, not ‘of’ anything in particular?
Understanding some of your preferences will help you to make decisions when it comes to selecting artwork. When you do find something, it is worth asking:
Do I love it?
Could I look at this work everyday?
Do I have space for it?
Where will it hang? What hangs near it, or is near it in the room?
Often people think they need to ‘understand’ an artwork to buy it or be able to speak eloquently about art to have it hanging in their house. This isn’t the case, and once you start looking at art more and buying works, your vocabulary and knowledge grows organically. The only real criteria for buying an artwork is – do you love it? Buy what you love and talking about the work will come naturally.